You may notice some ads in your dashboard reports that use different combinations of your headlines and descriptions. These are Responsive Search Ads or RSAs (read more about these at Google). Responsive search ads let you create an ad that adapts to show more text—and more relevant messages—to your customers. These are recommended by Google and typically provide the best click-through rates to help customers get to your website.
We'll use the different combinations of headlines and descriptions from your other ads in order to find unique ads that attract new customers. Please note, the sample of this ad you see in your dashboard report or manage page is strictly a sample version. Since the ad draws from numerous headlines and descriptions, there are many varieties of this ad that may have been shown based on Google's data and algorithms. If you wish to pause these types Ads from running on your campaign please use the directions in this Help Center article
Written by Rebecca Fulton
Updated over 2 years ago