What are campaign optimizations and how do they help?
Optimizations are improvements to your campaign that focus on success.
Depending on how established your store is, some stores may need time to optimize towards goals such as more of your products being viewed, more products being added to shopping carts, or eventually more orders.
As your campaign collects more data, even product views and impressions provide data, our AI engine will start to learn what makes online shoppers more likely to purchase your products. Every new ad impression, click, and action from your ad provides data that will continue to help your campaign optimize, bringing you close to success.
What are common optimizations you may see in your campaigns?
Lowering cost per click (CPC): the cost for every click through from your ad.
Increasing ad frequency: the number of times people see your ads, which would increase ad clicks and website visitors.
Lowering the cost per acquisition (CPA): reducing how much it costs to acquire a new customer
Increasing return on advertising spend (ROAS): the amount of return on your ad spend, or the amount of revenue for every dollar spent.
Don't forget you have the ability to help optimizations by picking your customer's interests and demographics when building or managing your campaign.